
From PlayItHardcore

WARNING: This is an archive of original service pages. It's kept only for historical purposes, and out of respect for people who created and contributed. Below information is not relevant to current PIHwiki. All contacts listed here are invalid.


PlayItHardcore is dedicated to quality guides focused on completing games without dying or reloading. Often called Ironman, Hardcore, No reload or similar terms, our guides are geared towards caution and preparation, never leading you into deathtraps or telling you to "reload until it works". Our guides emphasize skill and planning, demonstrating that a game doesn't have to look like a thousand lucky breaks marked by frequent reloading. A character death to us means starting over. We don't want walkthroughs. We don't want infodumps. There are plenty of GameFAQs, Wikia and other assorted information repositories that tell you all you need to know about that sort of thing. What we want here is the excruciating detail of a game, where survival comes down to how well you know it and how well you can prepare. All games are welcome here. The only thing we do not allow here is cheating. And, of course, reloading. is owned by soulmata.

The primary maintainers and guide creators are soulmata and ThunderClaw.

Community Portal

We now have a Steam group! Come join the growing community and other like-minded hardcore gamers: Activities and mini-tournaments (possibly with some cheeky prizes) will be coming soon.'s sister site is There's also a community forum for us there to use instead of having to rely on mediawiki's terrible discussion pages. It's highly encouraged for everyone active here to have an account on whattheboat, and to have fun with the forums!

For a more realtime experience, you can visit us on IRC. We are in #whattheboat on EFNet. Joining the Steam group will also allow you to access our community pages, so that you can chat with yr buddies in China (not that I have any) for free and in one of those executive style conference calls. Idk what's so good about a conference call - on speakerphone - but apparently, they are the shit and must be experienced.

Site support

This site is paid for out of pocket by soulmata. Currently, I don't expect or ask for donations.

PlayItHardcore Staff


soulmata - Owner and founder of Primary contributor of: Exile 3: Ruined World, Deus Ex 2, Ultima 9, Fallout 3.

ThunderClaw - Co-founder, Administrator, and Content Co-owner of Primary contributor of: Dark Messiah, Fallout 2, Bioshock.

Sandman - A PIH administrator. Primary contributor for Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2.

Primary Contributors

Gospel - Secret of Evermore

Jedaz - Grand Theft Auto 3

Gutlord - Fallout 3


Darmani - Contributor (Dark Messiah guide)

densy - Contributor (Logo)

Dragros - Contributor (Fallout 3 Hacking Guide)

Frabjous - Contributor (Baldur's Gate reference material)

Lolichan - Contributor (Half Life 2 reference material)

Metatron - Contributor (Baldur's Gate 1 reference material)

Ohm - Contributor (Fallout 2 reference material - book guide)

The Unbeholden - Contributor (Dark Messiah reference material)

Archived News

  • 6/21/2014: We're back. Anyone who wants to join me in rebuilding is welcome - contact me, soulmata [at], or #whattheboat on EFNet.
  • 11/03/08: The Fallout 3 guide is going very well, no thanks to the bastards who claimed they were going to help me. They will remain nameless for now, but rest assured the FO3 guide is nearing completion. Check it out now if you want... it's certainly better than what is available elsewhere right now, particularly for detail. If you read this site at all, I encourage you to come help us finish the FO3 guide.
--soulmata 05 November 2008
  • 9/29/08: We have officially completed our first weekend as a spambot-free wiki. Despite this, you will search in vain for any annoying additions such as captchas. Site speed has improved from the slackened workload and everyone may now put up guides confident that it will not be vandalized by any robot -- all without any extra frustration or hoops to jump through for you, the legitimate user. Enjoy the wiki!
--ThunderClaw 10:12, 29 September 2008 (EDT)
  • 8/22/2008: I've made a few subtle changes to the site that will hopefully put a stopper on the number of spambots the site receives. If you don't notice what's different....then I've done my job right. Take care and keep rocking games to the ground, folks!
--ThunderClaw 11:23, 22 August 2008 (EDT)
  • 7/27/2008: I (soulmata) am getting ready to finish up the Deus Ex 2 guide. As it stands, it looks like we'll have the absolute most detailed and useful guide on the Internet. Same for Baldur's Gate. We're getting close to doing it on a few others as well. If any of you have been holding back, I'm asking you to join us and help us touch up and finish some game guides, as well as inviting new people.
  • 5/21/2008: I (soulmata) have started doing more work for the Exile 3 guide. I just finished moving, so hopefully now I'll have more time to update some of the other guides like U9 and get them finished. If you know anyone who is interested in this type of work, bring them on in!
  • 3/6/2008: PIH has been updated quite a bit lately! Sandman and ThunderClaw have busted their ass decorating the Baldur's Gate guide out and I (soulmata) have done quite a bit of work on the Ultima 9 guide. My plans are to finish that and then begin work on Ultima 7. I am also planning on having all the staff members create a more detailed staff page. Send us feedback at admins [at] if you have any suggestions or comments for us. You can also visit us in IRC by going to any EFnet server and joining #whattheboat

Current events

  • soulmata has been working on an Exile 3 guide. Look forward to seeing a RIP AND TEAR of opportunity.
  • drobe has been working on System Shock 2 and Deus Ex reference materials. Those lists are HUGE, that means they have HUGE markup.
  • Expect to see some guides on the Hitman games from ASUnknown and Whiteknight090. They're a Hitman and a half.

Help Request

This page catalogs the various things that the wiki needs to do its job better. You will not find article requests or anything like on this page, instead you will find programs, code, or features that we want or need. Anyone who satisfies any of the needs listed here will be listed on the contributors' page.

Logos and artwork

The biggest thing missing from the wiki right now is logos, banners, and artwork. See this thread on our community forums for details and the submissions put in to date.

2D game video recorder

If you've seen the playithardcore account on youtube, you know that we love movies here. They're not only fun to watch, they're very good for highlighting techniques and giving instruction in a way that screenshots and text can't.

Currently, the drug of choice for our movies is Fraps. This works like a dream with mostly 3D games and FPSes, but it slows down to an unplayable crawl on 2D games such as Fallout 2. It would be very helpful to have movies to illustrate some of the harder points of a Fallout 2 run, such as the fight with Darion or taking down some of the New Reno families.

If you know of a program that can help, please leave it on either ThunderClaw or soulmata's talk page. Free programs are always preferred, but if it just plain works just plain well the way Fraps does, neither soulmata nor ThunderClaw are above buying something.

A PHP coder with time on their hands

ThunderClaw is pretty good with PHP, but his job and school tend to keep him away from some of the larger projects we want for the wiki. For example: Wiki discussion pages suck. They're unclear, shaky, and terrible to use. We do, however, have community forums that serve this purpose much better. We would ideally like the 'discussion' tabs on each particular page to instead redirect to a specific thread in the forums (or, if that's not possible, the forum index is fine). There are a few other minor projects we could use to have done, too.